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Yoga In The Workplace: Which Style Of Corporate Yoga Is Best For Your Business?

Looking for ways to boost morale and performance in your business?

You might be aware of the major advantages of corporate yoga as an employee benefit to reduce stress and increase wellbeing, focus, and productivity. 

But with so many different styles of yoga, it can be difficult to know which is right for your business.

As a professional workplace yoga teacher with a corporate background, I love bringing the benefits of yoga to teams, whether it's a one-off lunchtime session or regular weekly yoga classes.

In my latest blog, I'm explaining the different styles of yoga I offer so you can take the next step in improving physical and mental health - as well as overall performance - in your workplace.

Hatha yoga: best for beginners

Hatha yoga is a great pose with hands on knees - ideal for corporate yoga as it's suitable for beginners

Whilst hatha yoga can take various forms, its adaptable nature makes it a great, accessible option for workplace yoga and for beginners.

Poses - asana - are typically held for 3-5 breaths, allowing for maximum physical benefit and time to try different variations. Controlled breathing is encouraged throughout the practice. 

As with all types of yoga, hatha is fantastic for reducing stress, improving mental clarity, and helping with some of the physical challenges of sedentary desk jobs, like stiff necks and back pain.

Vinyasa yoga: best for an energy boost

Vinyasa yoga class - vinyasa is great for corporate yoga as it's adaptable and helps inject energy into the working day

If your team needs a boost, booking a vinyasa yoga session in your office is the ideal way to inject a burst of energy into the day.

Vinyasa yoga is all about the flow. It's a sequence of yoga poses that you move through in a dynamic way, where one pose leads to the next and each is synchronised with your breathing.

It can be fast-paced or slower, depending on the mood and physical abilities, so it's still suitable for all levels and a great way to work up a bit of a sweat, all at your own pace. 

A wonderful way to challenge yourself physically, reduce burnout and stress, and give yourself a mental reset amid the hustle and bustle of corporate life.

Desk and chair yoga: best for accessibility 

Man doing desk yoga breathing exercises - desk or chair yoga is ideal for workplace yoga as everyone can benefit

If you're limited on space and struggling with the physical pitfalls of desk life, chair or desk yoga will help your employees incorporate a little wellness into work hours.

As the name suggests, chair or desk yoga is simply a sequence of yoga poses, modified to be practised sitting on a chair, or standing using the chair - or desk - as a prop. 

Chair and desk yoga is super accessible and inclusive, so it’s no surprise it’s a popular option for workplace yoga. 

Yin yoga: best for relaxation

When stress levels are at an all-time high, yin yoga is the answer.

Yin yoga can help relieve the mental and physical impact of stress on your team by bringing some slowness into your day.

In yin yoga, we concentrate on relaxation, holding a small number of poses for longer periods of up to five minutes. Think deep stretches and a chance for contemplation and reflection - the ideal antidote to high-stress working environments.

Yin is a lovely way to end the working day, sending your employees home feeling calm, positive, and cared for.

Woman practising yin yoga lying on a bolster cushion and her eyes closed - yin yoga is fantastic for corporate yoga as it helps teams relax, reduce stress, and switch off from work after a busy day

Meditation: best for mindfulness and mental health

Corporate yoga doesn't have to be a highly physical practice.

In fact, practising meditation in the workplace is an effective way to improve mental health, encourage a more mindful approach to life and work, and equip your team with the tools and techniques to navigate daily challenges.

Learning meditation techniques together will also encourage more emotional bonding and openness among your employees, building stronger connections which will improve collaboration and understanding.

Breathwork: best for anxiety and stress management 

When I first started taking yoga classes, the breathing exercises I learned became incredibly useful in my everyday life as a stressed-out corporate employee.

Breathwork covers various breathing techniques and practices that teach you how to control your breathing patterns to improve physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Harnessing the power of your breath gives you more control over stressful situations, enables you switch off more easily after a demanding day, and can improve your resilience, reduce anxiety, making you feel more mentally clear and confident.

We can do this together in person (for Birmingham businesses) or online.


Online yoga: best for hybrid teams and remote employees

Did you know I offered online yoga classes in a variety of styles to remote and hybrid teams?

My in-person corporate yoga classes are limited to the Birmingham area, but online corporate yoga is available to teams worldwide.

So, whether you're working from home or based all over the globe, coming together for online corporate yoga is a lovely way to bond as a team, learn something new to help with your mental health, and take some time away from your desk to move your body and add self-care into your day.

My online yoga classes really took off during lockdown and they're still very popular with businesses of all sizes who offer flexible or remote working.

Add yoga in the workplace to your corporate wellness programme 

Yoga class set up in a bright and spacious room to illustrate benefits of yoga in the workplace

I'm Katy, founder of yogabrum and specialist in delivering corporate yoga in Birmingham workplaces and online yoga for remote teams across the UK and beyond.

With more than 3,500 hours of professional teaching and a corporate background, I offer a variety of yoga and meditation classes and programmes for businesses, working with you to decide on the best option for your organisation.

I strongly believe yoga is for everyone and there are enormous benefits of incorporating it into corporate life to ease physical niggles and boost mental wellbeing - something every workplace can benefit from!

As well as the considerable benefits for the individual, organisations that practice yoga can typically experience higher levels of morale, productivity, attraction and retention.

Are you interested in how corporate yoga can make your team members happier at work and contribute to your success as a business?

Leave your details here and I'll be in touch to arrange a chat about how I can tailor yoga to maximise its benefits in your organisation.

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